At Least You Didn't Lose $25,000 Betting on Roger Federer To Win $500 Last Night

Maybe you woke up with a bad back this morning, or an upset stomach, or your dog peed the bed. Well, at least you didn’t wake up to a $25,000 loss in your bank account because Roger Federer shit the bed to John Millman at the US Open. When this guy put the bet in he probably thought it was the easiest $500 he’s ever made. He was probably counting his money after the first set as Rog breezed by 6-3. Then it all fell apart late in the second set once the heat got to him. The moment that bet starts to have any sort of doubt you have to get out and take Millman live to at least take off some of the loss. That’s tough to say in hindsight because if you were watching the match you always just assumed Fed was going to turn it on. Even in the fourth set when he broke to go up 4-2 you thought okay this is over here comes the avalanche. Goddamn, I cannot imagine losing $25k on a tennis bet that would have only won you $500.
The closest I’ve ever come to something like this was the last week of my senior year in college. The night before graduation everyone got belligerently drunk. No one remembered a thing when we woke up. Graduation happened in the morning and my group of friends had a luncheon with all our families in the afternoon. I finally checked my gambling account to see where I stood. I was having a pretty good week for my standards and was up somewhere in the $500 range. Well, when I checked my account I was down $300. When I was blackout I put $800 to win $100 on Andy Murray to beat some scrub in a random tournament in Europe. He lost in straight sets. Any happiness I had with graduation and tricking Syracuse that I should actually get a degree was zapped away. There’s no worse mood in the world than that.
Well, this guy who losing $25k on Fed last night is in a whole different stratosphere than that. He went to bed looking for bridges to jump off of. He was checking what street in his city was the busiest so that the likelihood of getting drilled by a car was at its highest. Poor fella. Never take heavy favorites in anything. There is no such thing as a lock…EVER.
On the flip side this guy parlayed Millman winning and Virginia Tech ML to win $183,000. Risking $3k on that bet means one thing and one thing only. He’s from the future.