This "The Best College Town In Every State" Graphic Is So Bad It's Got To Be A Troll

This graphic has been making it’s round on Twitter the past few days:

Made by, they compiled this list by eliminating any schools that are located in a place with less than 250k residents and “analyzed overall population, student population, rental costs, college education rates, transportation access, unemployment rates, and bar availability. From there, we narrowed it down further by weighing cost of living, unemployment rates for 20–24 year olds, and easy access to the city.” Seems like this formula was created after thinking of the 5-10 things college kids couldn’t care less about.

This advanced analytical formula did not give great results. Just like you can’t measure the grit of an athlete on a spreadsheet in your mom’s basement, you can’t measure a great college town on a spreadsheet.

Connecticut: New Haven

Wrong. If you want to be an Ivy League elitist or get murdered, you go to school in New Haven. Storrs is 1000000x better.

Massachusets: Williamstown


Mississipi: Hattiesburg

Explaining why Oxford is better isn’t worth the energy it would take to type.

Indiana: West Lafayette

This isn’t that bad, but I think Bloomington has something to say about this.

Louisiana: Metairie

Nope. Baton Rogue.

Oklahoma: Lawton

Never heard of this place. I looked up the college that is located here and I have not heard of that place, either.

Texas: College Station

If you want to be in a cult, I guess this is a good college town.

Deleware: Dover

U of Delaware was just named the #1 party school in America. Dover is not where UD is located.

Idaho: Rexburg

The two schools located in Rexburg: a commuter BYU branch and a massage therapy school. I’m not making this up. I know it’s Idaho, but come on.

Oregon: Corvalis

That’s not how you spell Eugene

South Carolina: Clemson

This is not the worst of the bunch, but there’s this place in South Carolina named Columbia with a legendary area called Five Points. I guess the formula didn’t take that into account

Missouri: Springfield

What is up with this list having things against towns named Columbia?

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