Cool Pope Francis Is Getting Ripped On Twitter For Saying Parents Should Take Their Gay Kids To The Psychiatrist

Source - In the middle of a tumultuous controversy swirling around the Vatican ? in which a conservative, anti-gay archbishop and nemesis of Pope Francis called on him to resign ? the pope made a bizarre and concerning statement, which the Vatican has now attempted to walk back.

On his way back from a trip to Ireland, marred by renewed allegations that the Church hierarchy was guilty of covering up clerical sex abuse, Francis was asked by a reporter what advice he would have for a father whose child came out as gay.

As reported by The Guardian, the pope said: “When it shows itself from childhood, there is a lot that can be done through psychiatry, to see how things are. It is something else if it shows itself after 20 years,” and adding that ignoring a child who showed “homosexual tendencies” was an “error of fatherhood or motherhood.”

LGBTQ and human rights groups in Europe condemned the statements.

I hate to pile it on the Pontiff but he’s had a rough week. First the sex abuse scandal now this. I get that the news hasn’t been translated into Latin in seven hundred years but how out of touch can someone be? You can’t call yourself the cool pope then drop lines like that, Fran. Obviously, the internet got on his case faster than Paul banged Josephs sister in Berea according to the Book of Matthew. (Biblical reference.)

Now here’s where my honest and unbiased “reporting” comes in.

YES, the Pope did say you should take your kids to a psychiatrist if they’re gay. Obviously, he’s an idiot for saying that. He’s also an 81-year-old virgin who can’t drive so let’s take whatever he says with a grain of salt.

BUT it’s also important to note that right before that he said that the father should pray, and went on to say that he shouldn’t shun the child. He also said, “Don’t condemn… Dialogue. Understand, give the child space so he or she can express themselves.” So I guess that kind of cancels out the shitty part? I don’t know, Eminem is also getting dragged for calling Tyler the Creator a faggot on his album so it’s all relative. Regardless, the Pope should know better but it’s no surprise that he doesn’t.

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