I Am Officially Hooked On Twitter Phil Mickelson

Alright at first it was the corniest, cheesiest, weakest Twitter feed I’d seen since Michael Rapaport. Chirps didn’t even make sense. Emojis weren’t even close. Selfies sucked.

But Phil Mickelson’s Twitter game has evolved in one week to a level it takes most years to achieve. He’s phenomenal. Middle of a damn Thursday and he’s posting roundhouse kicks over his buddy? And it’s clearly dark out so he saved it from the night before to post midday for those #ratios? Amazing.

He’s somehow self-deprecating yet all out STUNTING in the same tweet.

He bodied Tiger while promoting his own sponsor.

Tiger is my guy, he’s the most captivating and the most intriguing athlete to watch ever. But if there’s one guy I want to bar hop with then stumble home shitfaced with while trading stories, it’s Phil Mickelson. What a fascinating, weird, hilarious, goofy, and legendary man he is.

I’m 100% all in — hook, line, and sinker — on Twitter Phil.

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