D-Rose Says It's Going To Be Funny Watching His Doubters Eat Their Words



Fuck yes. Agreed Derrick. And I have a quick confession to make. I’m pretty nervous about the Team USA stuff this year. Not because I think D-Rose is going to get injured. As I said when he first announced he was participating, there is really no harm. If his career is destined to be injury prone forever then playing extra basketball isn’t going to change that. What I am nervous about though is D-Rose coming out of the tryouts and team selection process with confidence. I haven’t seen it talked about very much but don’t you think Kyrie Irving and Steph Curry and John Wall are going to be looking to dismantle D-Rose? They’re out there to put doubt in his brain. They want to remind him that 2011 was a LONG time ago and that he doesn’t have a place at the top anymore. How Derrick responds to that, how he does against the best point guards in the world will be huge. I like this quote because it’s clear he still has confidence but the next 2 months will be interesting. I fully believe the skills are still there, that the knee will be fine, it’s whether or not the confidence and the mind can come back to that pre-injury level.





Fucking Mo.




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