Jack Nicklaus Says Tiger Woods Is 100% Right In His Political Comments

Golf Channel — “I couldn’t have agreed with Tiger more. Whether it’s Barack Obama or Donald Trump in the office of the president, you respect the office,” said Nicklaus, a vocal Trump supporter. “My political views might be different from somebody else’s political views, but it doesn’t make any difference. The office of the president is the head of the greatest country in the world.

“I think Tiger was very appropriate with what he said.”

Tiger’s comments when asked about his relationship with Trump.

People can be so irrational sometimes. How can you be upset with how Tiger answered these questions? He handled this situation as best and as harmlessly as he could’ve possibly been expected to. Yes the guy has been boys with Trump forever. Trump’s a huge player in the golf sphere, unveiled a “Tiger villa” at Trump Doral, and the two have played rounds of golf since DJT became president. Tiger’s the greatest golfer of his generation. They’re obviously boys. Does that mean Tiger should be expected to weigh in on complicated political issues seconds after finishing a round of competitive golf? Of course not. Everybody knows this. If Tiger Woods — with his deeply powerful platform — chooses to weigh in on important national and political issues affecting millions of lives, he should do it at a time and place of his choosing and with the appropriate preparation. He should not do it off the cuff while sweating his dick off and starving for lunch after a round of golf. That’s common sense.

So Tiger gives a solid non-answer to avoid making headlines, and makes headlines everywhere for it. It’s crazy. The worst part is he’s absolutely right: we should all respect the office of the President of the United States. Because that office doesn’t represent one individual; it represents our democracy, our Constitution, our process, and the tens of millions of people who elected someone for that office. Tiger’s right that we should all respect the office.

Tiger gave a speech at Obama’s inauguration and said this after his election:

“I think it’s absolutely incredible. He represents America. He’s multiracial. I was hoping it would happen in my lifetime. My father was hoping it would happen in his lifetime, but he didn’t get to see it. I’m lucky enough to have seen a person of color in the White House.”

He played golf with Obama this January.

Tiger plays golf with presidents from both sides of the aisle and says respectful things about both because he respects the office of the president. Pretty simple.

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