"The Dawn Wall" Is A Must-See Documentary

Sign me up. Not to climb an impossible wall, but to have a heart attack in the theater on September 19th. As a climber myself (I’ve watched multiple documentaries nbd), I will never, ever get tired of watching my fellow climbers do the impossible. From Meru, to Valley Uprising, to the upcoming Free Solo, these climbing docs are just so unbelievably good. And The Dawn Wall obviously looks no different. 90 minutes of your heart pounding as a climber attempts the impossible. I mean every time they showed him falling and swinging into the wall I jumped.

The visuals they get are just ridiculous.

Like, come on.

I think it’s in theaters only on September 19th, so make sure to go see it so they keep making this type of movie. Will it win my Documentary of the Year award for 2018? We shall find out.

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