Bracket: Best Movie Theater Candy - Round Two

It’s time for us to reveal our second bracket: BEST MOVIE THEATER CANDY. The participants and seeds were all determined by audience vote and there are some huge first-round matchups. The voting form is at the bottom of the page.

We also want to congratulate ‘THE DARK KNIGHT’ on winning the BEST SUMMER BLOCKBUSTERS BRACKET.

All movies and seeds were determined by an audience vote. We had zero input and will have no input on the actual voting each round. We just decided to give our thoughts below. Each region is broken down below, with the vote at the end of this post. Enjoy!

 1. Peanut M&M’s vs. 8. Raisins

Jeff: I am so happy raisins made it into this bracket and I expect Peanut M&M’s to win with at least 95% of the vote. This is an easy pick, even though I don’t really eat Peanut M&M’s (the best kind of M&M’s) in a theater.
Pick: Peanut M&M’s

KenJac: Fuck Raisins.

Pick: Peanut M&M’s

4. Gummy Worms vs. 5. Whoppers

Jeff: Gummy worms are one of those candies that you forget about and then instantly love the second you have them again once every five years.
Pick: Gummy Worms

KenJac: I gotta go with Gummy Worms, something about Malt just rubs me the wrong way.
Pick: Gummy Worms

3. Plain M&M’s vs. 6. Butterfinger BB’s

Jeff: Plain M&M’s are the best candies to mix into popcorn, in my humble opinion, and wildly underseeded. I also really miss Butterfinger BB’s, but can’t tell if it is because they were good or simply for nostalgic reasons.
Pick: Plain M&M’s

KenJac: Plain M&M’s are a timeless classic, I can’t vote against them at this stage.
Picks: Plain M&M’s

2. Reese’s Pieces vs. 7. Starburst

Jeff: I’m not a huge Reese’s Pieces guy because I really like chocolate, but this is the clear pick. At this point, if you don’t know Reese’s Pieces have no chocolate in them then you’re truly lost in life.
Pick: Reese’s Pieces

KenJac: Reese’s Pieces and, to be clear, REESE-IS PIECE-IS. None of that REE-SEAS bullshit.
Pick: Reese’s Pieces

1. Cookie Dough Bites vs. 8. Jujyfruits 

Jeff: Cookie Dough Bites are okay, but Jujyfruits are fucking disgusting. Impossible to chew and bland tasting, Jujyfruits are only relevant because of ‘Seinfeld’.

Pick: Cookie Dough Bites

KenJac: Jujyfruuts never stood a chance, sorry to say.
Pick: Cookie Dough Bites

4. Gummy Bears vs. 5. Junior Mints

Jeff: I am sick and tired of the Junior Mints haters, of which there are many, and their slander against dark chocolate mint flavors. Reminder to never eat a whole bag of sugar-free gummy bears…

…Junior Mints also benefit from a great ‘Seinfeld’ episode and don’t rely on riding the show’s coattails to stay relevant.

Pick: Junior Mints

KenJac: I’m firmly on team #FuckMint. Great Depression-era flavor.
Pick: Gummy Bears

3. Milk Duds vs. 6. Sno-Caps

Jeff: No one likes Milk Duds, just as no one actually likes ‘The Big Bang Theory’. Sno-Caps, for me, fall just behind M&M’s as the best popcorn mix-in candy.
Pick: Sno-Caps

KenJac: Milk Duds are just too damn chewy. Give me some Sno-Caps to throw into the popcorn.
Pick: Sno-Caps

2. Swedish Fish vs. 7. Hot Tamales

Jeff: I need to go with the upset here, despite it being a controversial pick. I really love the cinnamon sugar heat of a good box of Hot Tamales. The Swedish Fish taste, meanwhile, loses its touch after a while.
Pick: Hot Tamales

KenJac: Not only are Swedish Fish the GOAT, but Hot Tamales suck fucking eggs. Who asked for hot candy?
Pick: Swedish Fish

1. Sour Patch Kids vs. 8. Lemonheads

Jeff: If a lemon isn’t on my lobster, shrimp or in my mixed drink, I want nothing to do with it (this might be inaccurate, but it is my gut reaction). Sour Patch Kids might win the whole damn tournament.
Pick: Sour Patch Kids

KenJac: I don’t like either of these very much, but at least you get the sweet at the end of the sour from 1-seed.
Pick: Sour Patch Kids

4. Mini Reese’s Cups vs. 5. Mike & Ikes

Jeff: I’ve recently grown to like Mike & Ikes, but the unwrapped Mini Reese’s Cups in that small bag were a game changer. I might need to try mixing them into my popcorn.
Pick: Mini Reese’s Cups

KenJac: I’m not voting against any Reese’s products in round one.
Pick: Mini Reese’s Cups

3. Watermelon Sour Patch vs. 6. Sweet Tart Ropes

Jeff: I am so happy that Sweet Tart changed the name of their product from Kazoozle’s to Sweet Tart Ropes. Nothing like being an insecure loser and being too afraid to say the name Kazoozle.
Pick: Sweet Tart Ropes

KenJac: Watermelon is a good-tier candy flavor in my opinion. Sweet Tart Ropes are also why my girlfriend broke up with me.
Pick: Watermelon Sour Patch Kids

2. Twizzlers vs. 7. Red Vines

Jeff: Licorice isn’t a candy I mess with too often, but when it comes down to this matchup I guess I have to pick one? Let’s go with Twizzlers, even though I don’t give a shit about either of them.
Pick: Twizzlers

KenJac: Twizzlers. FOH, red vines. Official candy of Narcs.
Pick: Twizzlers

1. Skittles vs. 8. Dots 

Jeff: Dots are one of the three official candies (Dots, Necco Wafers and Butterscotch Hard Candies) of olds. Disgusting.
Pick: Skittles

KenJac: Dots are maybe the worst candy ever made and their production should be ruled a war crime.
Pick: Skittles

4. Peanut Butter M&M’s vs. 5. Sour Punch Straws

Jeff: Slowly but surely Peanut Butter M&M’s have become my second favorite flavor of M&M’s. I’ll give them the win, even though Sour Punch Straws are a movie theater staple.
Pick: Peanut Butter M&M’s

KenJac: Peanut and chocolate are a better movie theater combo than fruit flavors, sorry if this offends.
Pick: Peanut M&M’s

3. Raisinets vs. 6. Sour Skittles

Jeff: Raisinets aren’t that bad, but they’re still raisins and Sour Skittles are pretty damn good.
Pick: Sour Skittles

KenJac: I kind of fuck with Raisinets. Coat anything in chocolate and I’ll probably eat it.
Pick: Raisinets

2. Buncha Crunch vs. 7. Goobers

Jeff: Another great popcorn mix-in, Buncha Crunch is the ultimate movie theater candy and will be my pick for the champion of this bracket so long as it remains in the tournament.
Pick: Buncha Crunch

KenJac: Buncha Crunch, they’re small, easy to eat, and pair great with popcorn.
Pick: Buncha Crunch



Per usual, make sure to follow us on TwitterInstagram and subscribe to the Lights, Camera, Barstool podcast by clicking all of these links. We will update for Round Two after Round One voting is complete.

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