Free The Bamboo Is Everything I Need In A YouTube Series

Oh hell yes. Over the years we’ve seen Celtics players have their own version of these super produced behind the scenes YouTube series, you may remember a personal favorite The Book Of Isaiah. Well it looks as though Jaylen Brown is getting in on that action and I have to say after watching just the first episode I am ready to declare this the best content on the internet. You should know by now I am all over Summer Workout SZN as it pertains to really any NBA player that puts out a video of them shooting/lifting/etc, but god damn even I was impressed when I saw this.

It’s widely accepted that for the players that truly turn into legit beasts, the Year 3 jump is a big indicator of how likely that will be. We saw what Jaylen’s Year 2 jump looked like and I don’t think I’m being dramatic when I say it flooded all of our pants. His improvement shooting the ball, moving without the ball, defense, it all was the perfect amount of development you expected coming from a guy who didn’t really play his rookie season. So where does Jaylen have to go from here? Well he has to continue to improve in all those same areas, as well has make drastic improvements to his handle and his ability to hit free throws. So yeah don’t think I didn’t notice his trainer was working on FTs, he reads the blogs, he knows how important it is that Jaylen isn’t a complete liability at the charity stripe. It’s certainly no secret how vocal Jaylen has been about the Celtics making the Finals, and my thoughts on the matter haven’t really changed. My heart loves it while my brain kinda wishes he didn’t say stuff like that and give the team even more pressure. But you see, Jaylen is probably so confident because he knows he’s been putting in the work this offseason to achieve that goal.

Say what you want about Jaylen’s limitations, but this dude has the drive to be great. He certainly isn’t satisfied and I think he knows what type of opportunity this team has. They can rule the conference for the next decade, but it all starts with the work each player is going to put in and the commitment and sacrifice they make as a group. This first episode was a great look into what that type of commitment looks like, and I’m exhausted just watching it (for very different reasons).

So yeah, I’d say it’s only right that Jaylen wins a Webby Award for this masterpiece, and we’ve only seen the first episode. If he doesn’t, I guess I can settle for the Larry O’Brien trophy.

Most improved player in 2018-19, lock it up

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