Flash Gordon Has Been Activated By The Cleveland Browns

Awesome news for Cleveland and Josh. After being away from the team for the start of training camp and missing the team’s first three preseason games as he gets his mind right, Josh Gordon has returned and is now activated. He’ll now being going through walk throughs and start practicing soon after. I thought it was really cool how Hard Knocks pretty much had the first scoop on Josh’s return when their episode came out on Tuesday. Todd Haley seemed to have no idea what was going on. He even asked Hue Jackson if he’d been working out. You’d think the OFFENSIVE COORDINATOR would have an idea if his superstar receiver was working out in his off time. Nope, not the Browns. Anyways, Hard Knocks pretty much broke the news to everyone on Tuesday that Josh was back in the facility.

Very cool stuff. Now he’s activated and will begin participating in practices. I highly doubt he gets in their week four preseason game next week, but it’s good to hear as a football fan that Josh is back and ready to go for this 2018 season. Football is just more fun when he’s on the field.

Also, how about this fucking wet blanket replying to the Browns initial tweet? You won’t be coming to games and supporting the team because Josh Gordon is playing? Buddy, Jerry Jones was playing Greg Hardy for weeks after he beat up his girlfriend. Ray Lewis killed a few people and played his whole career. There so many worse people in the NFL than Josh Gordon. Go read up about Flash’s crazy back story and the life he was forced into before telling me your niece or nephew can’t look up to him. What he’s done to turn his life around and get to this point is remarkable. Fucking Kevin Dasd. What a stupid last name. (if this is a troll then whatever. Can everyone just say whatever and if it’s controversial just say they’re trolling?)

Go watch Josh’s 2013 highlights when he put up a preposterous 1,646 receiving yards in just 14 games. Jason Campbell, Brandon Weeden, and Brian Hoyer were his quarterbacks. He does it so easy it’s scary.

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