Sex Scandal Teacher Update: The Porn Site Has Been Found!


A few hours ago I posted about Sex Scandal Teacher Linda Janack and her husband Scott, who admitted to a news outlet that they have a website of her homemade porn, identified only as “Hot For Teachers.” I admitted I’d spent all morning searching for a link, and came up empty. I felt I’d let you down and disappointed every single Barstool reader. Well once again, you did not disappoint me:

Reader email 1:

Hey Jerry,

Linda Janack’s “website” isn’t her own, rather she broadcasts on a cam site called chaturbate. Here is the URL, hope she’s on sometime so you can enjoy.

Totally NSFW link:

Reader email 2:

Hey Jerry,

First off, BIG fan of your work. As a teacher myself, me and some friends can not wait for the next teacher to get wrapped up in these scandals. It’s both sad to see but fucking hilarious to watch.

Secondly, her got for teacher site is an Instagram account with links to her other sites.

Probably NSFW but you have to follow and then get approved:

Keep it up!

Taking screencaps off of porn sites is fraught with danger, so you’re on your own as far as navigating theirs. And I’ll warn you that the photos direct you to some secondary site, so click them at your peril. I will offer this as proof that this is, in fact, the lovely Mr. & Mrs. Janack, operating under the stage names Beulah Ballbreaker and Jasper Woodcock, which could be taken as clever double-entendres:

So there you have it. It turns out this little spitfire elementary school reading teacher was not only also a principal – which we didn’t know – she is officially retired from promoting literacy to promoting her own hardcore sexual hijinks. She’s trading in the life of a full-time educator for one of a full-time MILF with 36DDDs. And going into the porn business with her former professional athlete turned full-time beach bum husband with the 7″ woodcock. These two are not only made for each other, they are made for show business greatness.

And that kind of boldness and courage deserves to be rewarded. Did I give only give Linda a “B” because I couldn’t find her work online? Well I said extra credit was available and she earned it. Here’s the “A” she deserves. And a spot on the 2018 All Star Team is sure to follow. Thanks for the assist, Stoolies.

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