Fortnite Finally Grows A Heart And Allows Players To Thank The Battle Bus Driver Before Jumping To Their Likely Death

Gamers Radar- The most requested feature in Fortnite is finally here: the ability to thank the battle bus driver before you jump. Okay, maybe not the number one feature, but someone called Kody Keddie created a petition called “Add the ability to thank the bus driver before jumping out of the battle bus in Fortnite” and apparently Epic listened.

Originally the petition read:

“Since I was just a boy I have always loved jumping out of the battle bus but all this time I have felt something was missing. And that thing is the ability to thank the driver of the battle bus, he or she is truly a great person and they provide us a great service, I think it is time we can truly appreciate their service, don’t you agree?”.

To get in on the action, just tap down on the d-pad before you jump.

It’s about time an online petition actually got something worthwhile accomplished. People helping virtual people. This may not be a big surprise, but I am a huge Thank You guy. If you performed some sort of service for me no matter how big or small, you get a Thank You every single time. Manners are extremely important in the Casa de Clem. If my daughter forgets to say Thank You, she is pretty much ensured a one-way ticket to the Time Out chair. I don’t care if it’s someone opening a door, a waitress serving you a meal, or an Uber driver giving a ride. All deserve thank yous and a smile at the very least since we live in a civilized society.

That thinking obviously carries over to all forms of transportation. You should be doling out thank yous for the yellow cab drivers that almost crashed 10 times during a 15 minute ride, airplane pilots that hit every patch of turbulence along the way but still landed safely, and even the bus driver that is flying you to your near-certain death in a video game. I can’t imagine the Fortnite bus driver enjoys meeting 100 people for the first time, knowing damn well that 99 of them are about to perish in extremely violent fashion under his feet. But a job is a job and bills have to be paid. Regardless, you should be thanking the salt of the earth bus driver every time you ride a bus. It doesn’t matter if you are in elementary school, on a field trip, commuting every day to the Port Authority as your soul slowly leaves your body, or in a video game version of The Hunger Games.

Plus if you don’t think that saying Thank You to a bus driver could give you +1 in video game karma that could be the difference between a Victory Royale and a brutal 2nd place finish like this, you are just a flat-out idiot.

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