I'm Not One To Tell President Trump How To Do Business, But Pissing Off Goldberg Seems Like A Bad Idea

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Listen, it’s usually all fun and games here at Barstool, but this seems pretty damn serious, so I’m going to get real with you here.

Coming from a guy who recently pissed off a lot of Russians in government, and is currently receiving (literally) dozens of death threats per day, I think these kind of threats are like, incredibly dangerous to make. I don’t know why they were made, necessarily – I only know what these tweets tell us – but they need to be redacted immediately and sorted out or else someone’s gonna die, and by someone, I mean President Donald Trump.

I know he’s got a lot of security, the Secret Service or whatever, and I know he’s been a lot of things in his life, but he’s never been “next”, to Bill Goldberg. I’ll tell ya, being “next” is the last place you’d ever want to be in this world. Because for as much security as 45 has, I don’t think he is so dangerous that he needs escorts like this everywhere he goes…


And as many weapons and military branches as he has power over…I just don’t know if they’ll work against the 173-0 man.



Spear in Mid Air





Give me one Bill Goldberg over all of the nukes in the world in a fistfight, honestly. Other than a taser, there seems to be no known weakness to this animal. If I’m Trump, I think I set aside my differences with Mexico and head over there on a private jet RIGHT THIS SEC-oh, wait a minute…

False alarm. Just hacked. Phew! The President must be relived. Carry on, everyone.

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