Drake Cancels Concert To Go Visit Little Girl In Hospital And Her Reaction Is Priceless

Source –  Some kids receive toys for their 11th birthday, but Downers Grove resident Sofia Sanchez settled for a visit from her favorite rapper Drake instead.

The three-time Grammy-winning artist visited Sofia on Monday afternoon at Lurie Children’s Hospital, where she is awaiting a heart transplant.

Last week, Sofia, who is a huge fan of the rapper, posted a video of herself dancing to the viral “Kiki Challenge” (a dancing challenge sparked by Drake’s latest chart-topping song “In My Feelings”) attached to her IV in a hospital hallway.

Drake was in town to perform at the United Center as part of his “Aubrey and the Three Migos” tour at the United Center on Saturday and Sunday.

Lurie Children’s staff posted a video of Sofia completing the dance challenge on Aug. 15, and in the caption asked Sofia’s idol Drake to visit her for her birthday.

The “God’s Plan” crooner delivered, signing autographs for Sofia, gifting her “Scorpion” album merchandise, singing and taking selfies. He stayed in Sofia’s room for an hour, Natalie Sanchez said.

This is what being famous is all about. Obviously, it’s about money, ho’s and clothes, but it’s about this too. To be honest, I wasn’t a fan of Drake until I saw this video. I thought he was soft and playing a character, but if this is his character, I’m all in. Maybe it’s the Canadian in him. Regardless, I’m a Drake fan for life.

The article goes into detail on Sophia’s condition and it’s a pretty fascinating story. You can read all about it here. She’s been in the hospital for weeks waiting on a new heart, hopefully she gets it soon so she can go see her new buddy Drake perform live.

She seems to pretty content for the time being.

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