Grading the Newest Sex Scandal Teacher

ArkansasAn Arkansas assistant principal resigned from a middle school over allegations that she was in a sexual relationship with a student.

Jessica Williams was arrested Monday after police received a tip claiming she had an ongoing relationship with a Waldron School District student, news station KFSM reported.

Police said the district received an anonymous letter accusing the administrator of misconduct with a 16-year-old male student.

Investigators interviewed the teen who admitted that he started having sex with Williams in early summer. He also claimed that the two exchanged explicit photos.

In a police interview, Williams reportedly confessed to having sexual encounters with the teen on several occasions.

This makes it official. The exact moment a mere coincidence becomes a trend. 2018 is now the Year of the Sex Scandal School Administrator and Jessica Williams is the tipping point. Already this year we’ve had no less than three Vice Principals, including MILFtastic redhead Dawn Diimler, far less attractive Elizabeth Giesel and now Jessica. Plus we’ve had Principal Courtney Alred, who looks like Louie Anderson in Baskets. Not to mention various Guidance Counselors and last week’s instant legend Amanda Eckblad, who’ll inspire this year’s hot Halloween costume, Slutty Truant Officer.

Hell, that’s not even a trend; it’s a full blown societal movement. When these ladies declared in one voice they will no longer sit by and have their degenerate co-workers have all the fun while they’re listening to students complain about being bullied, searching lockers for weed and tracking down the little wiseasses pulling the old Ferris Bueller. It’s a bold, new world for these sex-starved disciplinarians. And the future belongs to them.

The Grades:
Looks: Whoosh. I go way out of my way to avoid dated references, but sometimes they’re too accurate to so with anything more contemporary. She looks like Sally Jessy Raphael had a baby with the Dancing Six Flags Pedophile.
Grade: D

Moral Compass/Bad Judgment: Let’s see, we’ve got sex on several occasions all summer. Confirmed by a confession. We’ve got naked texts. It must be hard to look across your desk at a kid you’re supposed to be disciplining for sneaking a cigarette on school grounds when you’re getting dick pics from his classmate you just got done banging. It takes a special breed of professional for that line of work.
Grade: A

Intangibles: Putting the “ass” in “Assistant Principal.”
Grade: B+

Overall: C-. Looks matter.

Do you have someone you want to see graded? Tweet her to me @jerrythornton1 or email me at Your service to the betterment of mankind will be its own reward.

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