This Guy Had His Tesla 3 For A Half Hour Before It Rained And The Bumper Fell Off


Theses cars SUCK. Tesla sucks. Elon Musk sucks. Everything Elon Musk touches sucks. These are the cars everyone rants and raves about how awesome they are? Hilarious. I bet they’re awesome and have a bunch of cool bells and whistles……until it starts raining. Once it starts raining you’re fucked. The car is gonna start dumping parts all over the road. Dry conditions? Great cars. No doubt about it. Drives smooth at high speeds. I bet the AC pumps out cold air. Horn lets out a beautiful honk. A light sprinkle starts to fall though? Bad cars. The bumper comes flying off. I will concede that Tesla makes awesome cars that aren’t built for the rain. Teslas now joins picnics, baseball games and parades on the List Of Things That Don’t Work In The Rain.

It’s curious that Elon retweets and/or responds to anyone who says something positive about Tesla but a guy tweets about how his paper-mache Tesla 3 started falling apart in the rain?

Elon stays verrrrrrrrrry quiet. Such a fraud.

And for anyone saying, “This happens. Not every car they make can be perfect. These things happen when you mass produce anything”

Darn rain! Ruins everything!

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