Eric Bledsoe Became Every Person On Twitter When He Saw DeMarcus Cousins

It’s no surprise the moment it was announced that DeMarcus Cousins was going to join the Golden State Warriors that people on Twitter were not happy. Mind you, he may not play until January and we have no idea how a big man comes back from an Achilles injury, but you see DeMarcus Cousins joins the Golden State Warriors and you lose your mind. It’s fair.

So this weekend when Eric Bledsoe and DeMarcus Cousins were together for Bledsoe’s charity event, he let him know what he thought. Remember, Bledsoe and Boogie are best of friends going back to their time at Kentucky and even knowing each other before hand. But, ever since their time at Kentucky Bledsoe, Wall and Boogie have all been best friends. So chalk that up to why Cousins didn’t punch Bledsoe right then and there.

I’ve talked about Boogie’s decision to join the Warriors and why it made sense for him. The other key to remember here is it’s going to be one year. The Warriors don’t own his bird rights or anything like that so it’s really just a true one year deal. Can you be upset about it? Sure. But, I do think it’s a rule if you tweet at DeMarcus Cousins about joining the Warriors, you should have to say something face to face like Bledsoe.

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