Dude Jerking Off Out Of His Window Gets Lit Up By The Cops (Maybe NSFW, You Can Kinda See His Little Weeny If You Look Close Enough)

I feel for this guy. It’s unfortunate. You never want to get to a place when you’re jerking off outside a window. Lots of things have to go wrong in your life for you to get to the point where you’re dangling your ding a ling for all to see. Because when it comes down to it, unless you’re Peter North, you don’t want anyone to see what you are working with. That stays behind closed doors, for just you and whoever is watching through your MacBook camera to see.

But this poor fella, he went full Kony. Remember that guy? Not the genocide guy, but the guy who took the internet by storm in 2012. That was an all time internet day. Out of the damn clouds that Kony video dropped and every sorority girl in the world thought they were going to create world peace. Kony dude was the most famous guy on the planet for 2-3 days. An absolute phenomenon until everyone moved on to planking or some weird dance craze and stopped caring about African children. So then the Kony guy went crazy and started jerking off on street corners in San Diego.

So whatever happened to the guy in the Bellingham apartment complex, hopefully it gets better. And hopefully those paint balls or mace or whatever the cops were shooting him with didn’t injure his dick too badly. A bruised dick just sounds unpleasant.

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