Do You Think Your Beer League Team Could Beat The 1928 Toronto Maple Leafs?

So this picture popped up of the 1928 Toronto Maple Leafs training camp. Just a bunch of dudes out in the mud wearing their sweaters doing some calisthenics. You know, as hockey teams are wont to do. And from the looks of this photo, the 1928 Toronto Maple Leafs bare a very striking resemblance to a beer league hockey team. For starters, they’re pretty low on numbers. There are only 12 dudes in the photo right there and if you somehow manage to have 12 guys show up to your Tuesday night at 10:30pm beer league game, that’s a good night.

Secondly, the players on the team range from a couple of guys who have been able to remain fit and athletic, to guys who look like this. 

Not that they’re obese or anything but that right there is the quintessential beer league body. Just a little extra weight around the hips that says, “I’m not here to try hard or anything like that but hey, at least I showed up”. And every great beer league team needs that type of balance on the roster. You can’t have all dudes who are still fit and athletic because then you become the try hard team who everybody hates. But you can’t have all dudes who bring a few snacks on the bench because then everybody is completely gassed before the puck drops to start the 2nd period. So from the looks of it, it would appear that the 1928 Toronto Maple Leafs were a finely assembled beer league squad. Which brings me to my question–do you think your team could beat them?

Obviously there would have to be some logistics worked out ahead of time. Like would your team still be allowed to use all of your regular equipment? Or would the game be played in 1928? And if it’s in 1928, what happens if it’s a home game for you? That puts you right in the middle of prohibition. Would your team still be able to perform to their highest ability if there’s not the promise of post game bevies in the locker room? Not entirely sure. All I’m saying is that I wouldn’t walk into the rink expecting an automatic W. That’s how you get got.


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