Ah Shit. Goldberg Got Arrested Again And He's Not Looking Great


TMZ – Shaun Weiss — who played Goldberg in “The Mighty Ducks” — got arrested in Northern California, and based on his mug shot … the former child star is in dire straits. 

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … the 39-year-old was busted for public intoxication Saturday around 1 AM in Oroville, CA, about an hour north of Sacramento. We’re told cops cut him a break after he spent a few hours in the drunk tank — he was released and not cited.

I’ll be honest. This is super super sad. Almost a year ago to the day, Shaun Weiss was arrested for possession of meth. That was just a little over a week after he was arrested after stealing $151 worth of merchandise from an electronics store. Now Goldberg hasn’t exactly looked incredibly healthy over the past few years.


He’s been looking like a guy who was labeled as a fat, funny childhood actor who was probably sick and tired of being the “fat, funny guy” so maybe he took to coke to slim down a little bit. I mean you can tell that’s the body of an addict but he at least looked like he was able to be a somewhat functioning member of society. But this new mugshot? That’s not Goldberg. That’s not Shaun Weiss. I don’t even know who that guy is. And unless he gets help immediately, I honestly don’t even want to think about what the next blog about Goldberg is going to be.

It’s just awful to see what has happened to the guy. But if there was ever a time for Ducks to fly together, now is the time. Bombay, Charlie, Banks, the whole squad. Goldberg doesn’t deserve to go out this way. He was the ultimate team guy. He let Bombay tie him up in the net for everybody to rip clappers on in practice in D1. He gave up his starting role between the pipes to Julie in D2. Hell, he even decided to skate out and play defense in D3. The guy did everything for the team. Now it’s time for the team to return the favor. One of the biggest legends there ever was. There’s still hope for Goldberg, it’s just going to take a little more than the Minnesota Miracle Man alone.


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