The City Of Champions Just Keeps Winning: Philadelphia Wings Sign Blaze Riorden

Blaze Riorden is best known for scoring one of the most iconic goals in college lacrosse history when that beauty went coast-to-coast after picking off a pass against Cornell in the 1st round of the 2015 NCAA Tournament, sprinting pass the entire midfield unit, faking out a pole so hard that his legs became jello, and then sticking that shit stick-side high. You can watch lacrosse every single day straight for the next 100 years, you’ll still never see a goalie goal quite like that one. Truly some legendary shit right there. But what some people still don’t know is that Blaze Riorden only hops between the pipes in field lacrosse. When he’s indoors and playing box? Scoring goals like this is just another day in the office for Blazer.

Big Daddy Blaze was a forward on Team USA that won bronze at the 2015 World Indoor Championships. He played professionally for the Buffalo Bandits in 2017. And now today? He becomes the newest member of the next dynasty in the NLL, the Philadelphia Wings 2.0.

I mean it’s actually sickening at this point to think about how dominant Philly sports are going to be in the 20’s. The Eagles are already ahead of schedule as Super Bowl Champions. Ben Simmons and Joel Embiid are going to continue taking over the NBA. The Phillies are very much back. The Flyers are just one new coach away from having the Stanley Cup sign a 4-year lease in Philadelphia. And now not only are the Wings back in town, but they’re loading up the roster with beauties like Blazer. There’s just going to be a constant layer of confetti on Broad Street during the entire decade. Nothing we can do about it. This is the new norm.

P.S. – I was so close. Should have known it would be via free agency and not the expansion draft.

And I guess this means a best friends road trip down to Florida will be in the works next.



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