NBA Summer Workout SZN: Michael Porter Jr Edition

Alright we’re back with another edition of NBA Summer Workout SZN, this time featuring prized Nuggets rookie Michael Porter Jr. Now listen I don’t make the rules for this blog, the only real requirement is if there is video evidence of a young promising franchise talent putting in work so that their respective fanbases can get excited for the upcoming season. Doesn’t matter what team it is, and today just so happens to be the Nuggets turn. With MPJ, there are so many reports about his back and his injury that I’m almost positive any Nuggets fan seeing this video is going to get a little excited. This isn’t anything crazy, he’s not shooting from NBA range or anything like that, but he also didn’t miss. After spending basically all summer wondering if MPJ would even play this upcoming season, watching him do anything basketball related is going to get the juices flowing in my opinion.

The health of MPJ is honestly the biggest wild card coming out of this year’s draft, I think we can all agree there. If we live in a world where both Isaiah and MPJ are fully healthy, this Nuggets team is going to be absolutely loaded offensively. You add that in to the beast that is Jamal Murray

and this team should smash the over on their 47.5 win total projection. Remember this was a Nuggets team that missed the playoffs by a game and had to play without Millsap for like 44 games and Gary Harris for 18. Already a high powered offense, things should only get better now that everyone has another year together in that system.

But back to Porter Jr. What this video doesn’t do is tell us that he’s cleared to play actual basketball, but what it does do is remind people that he hasn’t lost his skill. I still think DEN is super cautious with him and he probably is in a suit to start the year, but I do know if your back was currently super fucked up, you would not be so automatic shooting the basketball. It’s hard to really know what he’s capable of seeing as how he only played 3 games on college, but I do know the Nuggets were 11th in midrange FG%, but also took the 3rd fewest attempts in the league. If MPJ can prove to be a legit midrange option for them, that’s  just another wrinkle they can add to an offense that finished with the 6th best Ortg last season. I am fascinated to see how Malone uses him, whether it’s at the 4 or maybe he goes a little big on the wing, because MPJ is one of those freaks that is going to be a matchup nightmare when fully healthy. I can’t wait to see how a Murray/Harris/MPJ/Millsap/Jokic lineup works together, you certainly could do a whole lot worse.

So while that video above may mean nothing to you, that simply means you’re just not a Nuggets fan and that’s fine. What I’m sure you are a fan of is basketball highlights though, so let’s enjoy the best MPJ has to offer shall we?

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