Wake Up With An NBA Countdown: Best Spin Moves

Good morning everybody, happy Friday! Congratulations on making to the end of another work week. I know it probably wasn’t easy, but we got here together, and because of that we will all procrastinate this morning together. You may have noticed this week is NBA Handles Week, so I figured what better way to close out the week than looking at one of the best moves you’ll see on an NBA floor. Obviously when you’re talking handles, there are so many types of plays to choose from whether it’s a ankle breaking crossover, or a hesitation move, maybe a little misdirection, but in my opinion one of the most poetic moves you’ll see is a well executed spin move.

What’s crazy in today’s NBA, is a move that you may think is reserved for guards is being pulled off by players of all sizes. Sure you’ll see your fair share of guards and wings in this video, but you’ll also see some 7fters like Porzingis and Boogie. The handles and confidence that we’re seeing in today’s game is really unlike anything we’ve ever seen. Guys that big shouldn’t be making moves like this, and yet they pull them off flawlessly, it truly is impressive.

Now what goes into a good spin move? Well what I love about this move is there are a couple parts to it. The first is the setup. As a fan watching on TV or in person, you can always tell when a player is about to unleash a nasty spin move simply because of how he sets up his defender. A hard push either left or right, the ball handler can always tell the second there’s even a slight overplay by the defender and boom next thing you know you don’t have a clue where to look because the offensive player is already finishing at the rim. Personally I’m a fan of pulling off the spin move into a dunk, not because I personally was able to pull that off in my playing days (white/Jewish), but because any time you see a play like that it’s always done with such force. Spinning into a fall away jumper or a layup is nice, but nothing like watching someone spin, gather, and finish hard at the rim.

So take some time, ignore some emails and enjoy some of the best spin moves of the 2018 season. As always if there is a player or type of countdown you’d like to start your day with just list them in the comments below. Otherwise I hope your work day goes by quick and you have yourself an amazing Friday.

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