I'm Going To Need Sonny Gray Out of the Rotation

This is just a continuation of the rain delay blog, but Jesus Christ was that bad. I mean really bad. Sonny Gray once again gave the Yankees no chance as he toed the rubber. He was shelled from the 2nd inning on and exited the game smiling his ass off. A truly remarkable move if you ask me. Then of course this tweet pops up from 2009.

Unbelievable. You can’t script this shit. Along with that tweet came some sexist/kinda racist tweets that caused Gray/his agent to deactivate his account mid-game. What a disaster. It’s impossible to have had a worse tenure with the Yankees in the calendar year he’s been here. It’s Jeff Weaver, it’s Kenny Rogers, it’s Javy Vazquez, and now it’s Sonny fucking Gray. Just when we think he was getting into a little bit of a groove, beating up on some bad teams, he drops this stinker. Just a non-competitive performance in a game the Yankees needed for momentum going into Boston. The worst.

Newcomer Lance Lynn saved the bullpen from getting worked today throwing 4.1 innings of shutout ball in relief of Sonny. At minimum he needs to replace Sonny in the rotation. I was as big a Sonny guy as they come when the Yankees traded for him last year. I thought he could tap into his Cy Young potential that he showed a few years ago, but I was very, very, very wrong. Arguably the most wrong anyone has ever bee on anything in any spoken or written sentence ever. Hand up guys, I blew that. Now we just have to move on and get him out of our lives. Lance Lynn or Justus Sheffield I just cannot have that man starting baseball games for my team anymore. Not with every game in the last two months being do or die. Now we’re four games back in the loss column and 5.5 toal from Boston heading into this series. I said they needed to go 5-1 at minimum over their last 6 games and instead they went 4-2. They gained zero ground on Boston. Zero. Just great.

Aside from Sonny Gray, the whole team was asleep at the wheel. Everyone was looking ahead to Boston instead of the task at hand. Gleyber Torres made two bonehead plays in the field where he just had a lapse in concentration. The first came on a bunt where he was late covering the bag which led to the bases being loaded. The other came with two outs where he failed to cover second on a ground ball hit to Didi. Brutal.

I love Gleyber to death and he did hit two homers today, but my dude we can’t have this shit. Not covering second on that play is inexcusable. The whole team was asleep. Today sucked. Just move on and be ready to go tomorrow night. Hopefully Phil Nevin got into these guys after the game like he did briefly in the dugout.

Four games in Fenway. Brian Johnson, Porcello, Eovoldi and Price. Three of four. You have to do it. A split does nothing. I’m there with Jared Friday through Sunday. It’s going to be a war.

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