Jayson Tatum Is Out Here Destroying Every Camper He Can Find

When will these people learn? Jayson Tatum is already dunking right on LeBron’s face and yet these camps are still letting him compete against kids his own age. The results are what you would expect, just complete and utter ruthless domination. I mean look at the faces of the other campers! No chance that kid can ever play basketball again with this video now living on the internet forever. It’s a wrap man, I’m sorry. Also, remember it was a few weeks ago we got this video

and personally I love seeing the killer instinct from our young stud. I love seeing Tatum not care who is in his way, whether it’s the greatest player on the planet or a 10 year old, Tatum is out for blood. That’s that Kobe killer instinct coming out that he probably learned last week as well. I know these videos may be pointless to some, but I cannot get enough of them. You have to be brave as hell to try and man up Tatum one on one knowing that All NBA Defenders (really, Robert Covington got one) didn’t stand a chance. And how about that stare down on the step back? That was James Harden 2.0 level of disrespect

So yeah, if you weren’t already excited about the Year 2 jump from Tatum after seeing him work with Drew Hanlen/Kobe/etc, these videos of Tatum murdering kids left and right certainly does the trick. I know it shouldn’t, but the heart loves what the heart loves.

And of course, the obligatory highlight reel because why the hell not

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