If You're Going To Break Into A Jeep, The Least You Can Do Is Be Courteous About It

I’m sure this isn’t anything that is exclusive to Philly but when you live here, having your car broken into overnight is just a way of life. You go to sleep, you wake up in the morning, you walk outside and just hope that the piles of broken glass covering the sidewalks aren’t from your car. And if it is your window that is smashed in to shit? Welp, what can ya do? You can call the cops all you want for insurance purposes but it’s not like they’re ever going to actually look or find whoever broke into your car. And lucky for people like me, the only thing in your car are a bunch of hockey and lacrosse sticks so it’s not like any junkies are going to have a use for any of those. So your window gets smashed in, maybe you lose about $2.37 worth of change that was sitting in your center console and that’s about it. It’s an inconvenience for sure, but not exactly a life altering event.

But here’s the thing. If the junkies are going to continue breaking into cars night after night, they least they can do is be a little respectful. I get they’re probably on a time constraint but would it kill them to at least try to get some of the glass out of the car after they break it? Would it kill them to put everything they didn’t steal back in the glovebox after they rifle through everything? And if they break into a Jeep with plastic windows, would it kill them to just zipper them open instead of slashing them? That’s all we ask. I’m not sure how many junkies are Stoolies. But if any of you are reading this right now, just pass this message along to your people.


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