Wake Up With Wilmer Flores' Walk-Off Home Run Vs. The Nats From The Night Of The 2015 Trade Deadline

Mets fans didn’t know it at the time, but that blast by Wilmer Flores would take us on a magical journey that would stop devastatingly short to a World Series championship. Like a handful of outs from the bullpen short. But it was still a hell of a journey that kicked off with the Mets acquiring Yoenis Cespedes during the very last minutes of the 2015 trade deadline and Wilmer Flores, who was reduced to tears after thinking he was trade 48 hours earlier, hammering a ball into the Flushing night against the team they were chasing in the NL East standings.

I don’t imagine the Mets will be all that active at this year’s deadline. Sure they may sell off a few veterans to give the Wilpons some pocket money for the next few weeks. But other than that, I think it will be pretty quiet. And that’s fine. Us Mets fans had our window of 2 full years with a ridiculously young, talented, and cheap rotation. Now we get to go back to obscurity because we have owners that don’t care about the team and a commissioner that doesn’t care about those owners not caring. At least we will always have those memories following the 2015 trade deadline*.

*Except for 4 of the 5 games of the World Series. Fuck those games with a hot poker

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