Big Time Balls - Random Bystander Bodyslams A Guy Who Attacks A Cop

Provo, UH – A Good Samaritan assisted a Provo officer in capturing a man accused of attacking and attempting to disarm the officer.

This is where I’ve got a big conflict in my personal values.  It’s been well documented how badly I want to be a hero.  I prowl the streets looking for little old ladies stuck in the crosswalk, disabled people whose wheelchairs jam up in oncoming traffic, car accident victims who need help getting pulled out of the car before it explodes which I’m not sure actually happens but I see it in movies all the time.  Just want my name on TV as “hero,” that would feel pretty good.

However when it comes to physical altercation I’m not sure I’m built for that, just from a scientific standpoint.  Lanky and meek doesn’t do well against crazy guys – and it doesn’t get much crazier than a man willing to attack a police officer.  I mean what am I supposed to do there?  Not gonna get much news coverage for walking up to the guy and getting knocked out from a punch to the face.  Then Dave will post it and I’ll just get made fun of by all the Stoolies.  That’s not very heroic.

So I’ll just give this guy props for being a bigger man than I could ever be.  Stepping right into the action and bodyslamming the asshole right through the parking lot ground.   Protecting and serving his fellow law enforcement, and getting a free pass to speed through Provo for the rest of his life.  Well done.  Marbles.

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