How Come Nobody Rollerblades Around With The Squad Anymore?

I like to believe that progress in the world is a good thing. Advancements in medicine. Advancements in technology. Advancements in thinking and entertainment and transportation and basically everything. The more advanced we become, the better. With that being said, there are certainly some advancements we’ve made along the way that have had an adverse effect on our lives.

Somewhere along the lines of history, we have “advanced” past using rollerblades as a viable form of recreational group transportation. You can go to any town in America right now. You’ll see groups of kids riding bikes together. You’ll see groups of kids riding skateboards together. Heck, you might even see groups of kids riding those “hoverboards” together though I think that fad already died out. What you won’t see, however, are groups of kids rollerblading together around town as depicted in this scene from D2: The Mighty Ducks. And that is deeply troubling to me.

Blading is probably the best form of transportation there is. It’s eco-friendly, it’s great exercise, they’re highly practical, and the best part of all is that bladers don’t have the same sense of entitlement to the road as cyclists have. Bikes get stolen. Skateboards are banned in too many places. The “hoverboards” promote obesity. But rippin’ up the blades with the boys?


Doesn’t get much neater than that.

I’m just saying that I think we’re long overdue to bring it back, and I know I’m not alone in that belief. I also know that I can’t be the only one to do it. They say it takes a village. So what I need everybody to do this upcoming weekend is to round up your squad, lace up the blades, and just go shred. All you have to do is inspire one other group to blade it up the next weekend and they’ll inspire the next, and so on and so on. We can do it, people. We just have to let go of that fear of failing first.

P.S. – This blog was brought to you by the fact that it’s late July and there is absolutely nothing of importance to blog about today.


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