ESPN and Major League Baseball Continue to Market the Hell Out of Mike Trout, This Time By Texting Him If the Rain During the Yankees/Mets Game Would Ever Stop

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Yesterday I was watching ESPN’s rain delay coverage for the Yankees and Mets Sunday Night Baseball game, as I waited to see if they were going to play or not. At around the 8:30 PM mark I wondered to myself if ESPN was going to run out of shit for Jessica Mendoza to ramble about and instead would ask Mike Trout, the weather man, if the rain was going to stop. I said this sarcastically….

It took them 180 seconds to catch onto this idea and actually do it.

Lo and behold they fucking texted Trout and got him to give a quick rain update. Unbelievable. ESPN is the most predictable media company on the planet. Can we maybe talk about how he launched his 26th homer on the year and helped the Angels destroy the Astros on Sunday?

I wrote about Trout last week and how he and Commissioner Manfred were going back and forth about who was at fault for his low popularity. It’s definitely a mix of both, but when we keep hammering the fish with questions about the doppler radar then that’s not his fault. I’m fully expecting Trout to do a This is SportsCenter commercial that incorporates the weather in some way because that’s the only “creative” idea that places like ESPN and Fox can come up with. There should be a creative team assembled at every big sports media company just to come up with a billion ideas for how we can increase his star power. I’ve had enough with the weather and Mike Trout.

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