Katy Perry Is Crying Because People Were Mean To Her About Her Terrible Album

Billboard - Katy Perry sat down to discuss love, fame, and mental health for the cover story of Vogue Australia’s August issue, out July 23.

Never one to shy away from candid dialogue, Perry discusses her journey with mental health. “I have had bouts of situational depression and my heart was broken last year because, unknowingly, I put so much validity in the reaction of the public, and the public didn’t react in the way I had expected to … which broke my heart,” Perry says of receiving less than stellar reactions to 2017’s Witness album.

Last winter, the singer attended a personal growth retreat at the Hoffman Institute, seeking rejuvenation. She continues to say that the feeling of brokenness coupled with opening up to a higher power gave her a new foundation. 


Oh boo freakin’ hoo. The nerve of this girl to go crying to the press when her album flopped. Wanting everyone to feel bad for poor ol’ Katy, doing the woah is me act to anyone who will listen. If you buy a word she says, you’re a sucker. I can’t believe the nerve of her to whine and cry over this. She hasn’t done anything reasonably good in years. Remember when she live-streamed her life for a week because she was desperate for attention, and then cried because everyone said how incredibly bad that was? And now she’s doing the crying act again? She’s the bitch that cried wolf. It’s like how Deadspin writes a hit piece on us every single day. If they pick and choose their spots, maybe someone will care. But since they do it for everything, they might as well do it for nothing. Same with this spoiled baby. Cries every time something little doesn’t go her way, wanting sympathy from people with actual problems. Makes me sick.

Meanwhile, Taylor Swift is about to play 3 straight sold out shows at MetLife this weekend. No big deal.

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