Charlie Blackmon Dropped a Michael Scott Quote on Joe Buck While Being Mic'd Up, and It Obviously Went Right Over Buck's Head

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In maybe the least surprising events in the history of events, Charlie Blackmon dropped a Michael Scott line from The Office on Joe Buck and Buck had no idea what had happened. BABY-STITIOUS??!? Fucking Buck, such a tool. That whole interview was out of another planet. Blackmon’s funny awkwardness, similar to comedian Nathan Fielder kinda, was on full display. They asked him what he does out there in between pitches and he said he has no friends out in right field so he just checks his glove for holes and looks up at the really big TV.

The interview with Blackmon still didn’t hold a candle to Francisco Lindor’s though. I think we need to give up on trying to market Mike Trout and instead shift our attention to Frankie Lindor. The entire half inning he was mic’d was incredible. He stopped mid-sentence to ask the guys if they saw how nasty that last Charlie Morton curveball was because he’s like a little kid out there. He’s so charismatic and full of life it’s a breath of fresh air. That’s the kind of guy I need Major League Baseball to focus on.

I don’t need fucking weather reports from Mike Trout every time they pan the camera on him. I’m starting to think it’s really not MLB’s fault, but Trout’s instead that no one knows who he is. The only thing this fucking guy cares about is a doppler radar. He’s basically Jonah Hill from 22 Jump Street trying to talk to Ice Cube at dinner.

Give me more Lindor and Blackmon, and less Trout.

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