Tesla Investors Are Demanding An Apology From Elon Musk For Calling Diver A Pedophile

The Guardian- Tesla investors have demanded an apology from CEO Elon Musk after he lashed out at a British cave diver who rescued children in Thailand. Musk’s posts on Twitter sparked backlash from shareholders and Silicon Valley analysts, who called his behavior immature and an impediment to the car company’s success. The embattled CEO came under fire over the weekend after he baselessly called the diver, Vernon Unsworth, a “pedo” on Twitter and doubled down on the insult before eventually deleting the posts. Musk had flown to Thailand and offered to assist in the rescue mission of 12 boys and their coach from a flooded cave by providing a submarine, but leaders of the operation declined his help.

Unsworth, who was instrumental in the successful rescue, later said Musk’s effort was a “PR stunt”, prompting the Silicon Valley billionaire to say he would make a video proving his “mini-sub” would have worked, adding: “Sorry pedo guy, you really did ask for it.” The diver, who was still at the cave site assisting with clean-up, told the Guardian he was “astonished and very angry” and considering legal action. Musk and Tesla have gone silent since he deleted the tweets, ignoring repeated requests for comment since Sunday. Some shareholders, however, are speaking up.

You feel those walls closing in, Elon? He should. Everybody hates this dude now. Everybody finally sees the light and all it took was him pretending to help kids stuck in cave and calling a British diver a pedophile. I’ve been preaching his assholery for years at this point. Now even his investors are pissed off and demanding an apology for calling that diver a pedophile. Yeah he’s still worth billions of dollars and blah blah blah but it’s gotta sting a little knowing even the people at his own company are sick of his bullshit. It’s too bad it took this long for people to turn on this piece of shit but I’m really just glad people did.

I’m not one to boast but I don’t think anyone has been as right about something as I was about Elon Musk. It’s not really a boast as much as it’s a fact. I could just sense that he wasn’t a good person. People always say, “Well what about the companies he did build and that are successful?” and to that I say he can still be a fraudulent asshole. Just because someone is good at building a couple rockets doesn’t mean they’re a good person. If this Thailand cave saga has taught us anything it’s that Elon Musk is a fierce narcissist who only cares about people thinking he’s a genius. People might think he’s a genius but people definitely think he’s an asshole.

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