Wake Up With Ichiro Hitting An Inside The Park Home Run In the All Star Game

I love Ichiro. I just thought you all needed to know that. Since tonight is the All Star game in DC, I thought it was only appropriate to post an All Star moment. Once of the more memorable moments in recent ASG history was Ichiro blasting this ball in San Francisco back in 2007. Takes a wicked weird bounce off of the wall in right and rolls for miles. Orioles great, Brian Roberts scores on the play, and Ichiro basically walks to the plate. Maybe the most relaxed inside the parker I’ve ever seen.

Anytime a ball bounces off the brick like that, the hitter is off to the races. You never know how it’ll bounce off that brick, so you get on your horse and just go. Ichiro always did that.

Hoping for some action like this in tonight’s game, hopefully nothing with Manny and his knee’s stay intact.


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