Soccer Goalie Gives Up 20+ Goals In One Game, Seems None Too Thrilled About The Situation

So the other day, Everton played a friendly against ATV Irdning. Apparently they’re a 4th tier team from Austria. So I guess this would be comparable to let’s say the Utah Jazz playing against a DIII school. The only difference would be if the rim was an actual human being just getting dunked on time and time again because that’s how this goalie must have felt after he kept getting shit pumped for 90 straight minutes. Yet somehow this goalie didn’t even really hit his breaking point until he got a 20 spot hung on him.

Now obviously there is a ton of blame to go around here. You can blame whoever decided to schedule this game in the first place because they had to have known it was going to be a disaster. You can blame the rest of the team for letting it get to this point, even scoring an own goal in the process. But you know what? This goalie can take a hike. Listen here, pal. I know you’re frustrated but maybe if you would just stop the damn ball every once in a while, you wouldn’t be getting your dick kicked in that bad. It’s a goddamn soccer ball, dude. Nobody is asking you to try to stop a bullet or anything. You wanted to play goalie? Well then here ya go. This is your one job. If I’m the coach of this team, I take a page out of the ol’ Book Of Bombay the next practice and tie this goalie to the net.

Might even consider breaking this one out in the next game as well. Maybe if this coward was tied up to the net instead of being able to run away from the shots, they’d only lose by a respectable 15-0 margin. Just saying. Soccer players always find ways to not score on those big ass nets. So if you have a goalie tied up to the pipes, chances are they’re going to end up hitting him a few more times than they would if he’s playing dodgeball in there.


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