If You Suggest Andrew Wiggins Be Traded, Be Prepared To Be Told You Should Not Be Alive

Look at Andrew Wiggins, man. Really putting that whole Canadians are nice 100% of the time thing to shame, huh? I mean, I’m not overly surprised here though. People have been ragging on Wiggins, especially this last year, and he’s done a decent job of not saying anything. He hasn’t also really given anyone a reason to change their minds, but trading him for a bag of potatoes does seem like a bad move.

Wiggins, the former No. 1 overall pick by the Cavs before being traded for Kevin Love hasn’t lived up to those expectations. While at Kansas he showed all the signs of being a strong NBA player, however he just refuses to use his athleticism to his advantage. He should be a great defender, but simply doesn’t defend. He never developed a shot and his ability to dribble isn’t there. He’s become the third guy on the Wolves now and even that might not be the right fit for him.

Call me crazy, but I do enjoy seeing athletes clap back at people. I never feel bad for fans who just constantly tweet/make comments/yell without understanding that people can make comments back. Did Wiggins go with the basic one? Sure, I’d like to see a little bit of creativity but he still made it known he was there. Either way, I suggest making a better trade offer to Wiggins than a bag of potatoes.

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