Mo Bamba Rejected The Hell Out of Some Thirsty Texas Girl on Instagram Last Night

You know this girl was waiting to drop this for months. The moment Bamba got drafted she was going to hit post on Insta and pray it blew up shooting her follower count into oblivion. Yeah nope. There’s nothing riskier than posting an Insta with someone that’s implying you’re way more than what actually exists in reality. I may or may not have done this in the past and it hasn’t worked. It didn’t work for Emily.

Aaaaaaanndddd she deleted it. That’s just tough to see. It is, however, a great sign for Orlando that Bamba hasn’t even stepped on an NBA court yet and is already swatting shit out of the sky. I know Texas girls are probably incredible and provide great conversations, but the NBA life is a whole different planet. Bamba isn’t trying to showing up for Hanukkah dinners to light any menorahs, m’am. He’s trying to go to Cabo with Instagram models like Klay Thompson did a few days ago. I was kind of out on Bamba because I don’t know what kind of offensive game he’s going to bring to the NBA besides dunking, but I’m in now. This guys gets it and he’s got that Harlem toughness to him that you can’t teach.

It’s not very easy to pass up a few nights with a girl like this, but Bamba ain’t messing around clearly.

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