Salty Rockets Fans Destroy Ayesha Curry's Houston Restaurant On Yelp Because Steph Whooped Their Ass In The Playoffs

EATERThis week, Ayesha Curry and chef Michael Mina announced that their barbecue-focused restaurant International Smoke would finally open its doors in Houston next month. Diners may be excited about it, but fans of the Houston Rockets are anything but.

Okay this is obviously pretty fucked up and a real bummer for Ayesha Curry.  Yelp reviews genuinely influence the success of a company, so a horrible rating right off the bat is no bueno for a fledgling restaurant. It’s why they’re trying so hard lately to crack down on fake reviews.

The bright side?  They are so over the top and exaggerated that it’s impossible not to see they aren’t real reviews.  So over the top that they become actually fucking hilarious.

Seriously go to the Yelp page and sort by “lowest rated.”  It’s incredible.

And that’s just a small selection.  Poor Rockets fans.  Can’t beat Steph on the court so they have to resort to the next best option – flooding his wife’s Yelp page about the illegal immigrants she hires.

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