The Yorkshire Reporter From The French Open With The Incredible Accent Should Be Asking Questions at the NBA Finals Instead of ESPN's Mark Schwarz

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Since I’m pretty much the only person in the United States that has gotten up at 6 AM to watch the French Open in France, I’ve added Jonathan Pinfield to my life. Jonathan is the man pictured left in the above picture and he has an incredible Yorkshire English accent. When he asked a question to world #4 Alexander (Sasha) Zverev following a first round match, Sasha was blown away. He didn’t care about any other questions coming his way, he just needed Pinfield to keep talking so he could hear that beautiful sound come out of his mouth.

This continued in the 2nd round.

This incredible interaction sadly concluded the other day when Dominic Thiem defeated Zverev in the quarters. Pinfield’s voice clearly cheered up one of the game’s youngest and brightest stars after a disappointing straight set defeat. It wouldn’t shock me if Zverev just brought Jonathan along with for every match in the future, just so they can hang out.

I can’t even describe to you why I love his accent so much, but I think Pinfield is incapable of pissing off anyone. It’s so calming and weird that it’s perfect. That guy could tell me he accidentally crashed my car and I’d forgive him.

That brings me to the point of this blog: ESPN’s Mark Schwarz. This guy stinks out loud. Because he works for ESPN he gets a billion questions at every press conference. There’s not one player that likes answering a question that has been asked by Schwarzy. He used his unlimited question magic to ask every single player on both the Warriors and Cavs about what they thought J.R. Smith was thinking when he dribbled out the clock.

I don’t think any media person out there actually likes this guy. He takes up all the question time and proceeds to repeat questions, thus pissing off all the athletes. LeBron called him a therapist last night.

I’m done with Schwarz, as many other are as well.

Obviously he was the same guy who asked LeBron if Kyrie got a pass for having zero assists in game, while Kyrie was right next to him.

Give me the Yorkshire reporter over Mark Schwarz any day of the week. Imagine him asking LeBron a question after a game like Game 1. I need it.

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