Bradley Cooper, Lady Gaga, And Dave Chappelle Made A Movie And I Am Full Of Erections

Jesus Christ, what is it with movie stars? Can’t they just be happy showing off their incredible acting skills? Just when you think Bradley Cooper has it all–incredible face, sexy body, pathos, charm, money, rocketship girlfriend–he pulls out his guitar and gently fucks the entire world to sleep with the gravelly voice of a country angel. Part of me gets it: these actors all did musical theater and jazz band growing up, so it makes sense that they’re well-rounded. But not only is Bradley the star of this movie about a brooding, alcoholic country singer (see: Crazy Heart with Jeff Bridges), he’s directing AND he co-wrote the movie. I fucking give up.

And what a movie it appears to be. In addition to BCoops and LADY GAGA, you’ve got:

Andrew Dice Clay? DAVE CHAPPELLE?!?! Playing THIS guy:

The concerned confidant who offers sage, witty insight to the troubled protagonist. Hmmm. Have we seen this before?

You’ve Got Mail is a GREAT movie. I watch it all the time, along with Notting Hill and Definitely, Maybe whenever I’m losing my faith in love. Sure, Chappelle had a cursory sidekick role next to Tom Hanks’ tour-de-force performance. But his advice was sage, nonetheless.

I really like movies where the soundtrack is built within the scenes of the film. I also love Gaga, one of the most talented musicians on earth, and it appears that Bradley Cooper can play the shit out of the guitar. As such, I am very, very excited for this movie. I’ll be sure to give it a review on @lightscamerapod when I see it!

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