They Finally Put A Tigerhawk Logo On The Water Tower Near Kinnick Stadium And It's Pure Sex

Let’s goooooooooooo! Sexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Pure sex. Finally! God damn does that look sharp. It’s a long time coming. There always needed to be a tiger hawk logo on the water tower that overlooks Kinnick Stadium and it finally happened.

I’m sure there will be h8ers. “Oh so Iowa is so boring that you get excited about a water tower? Stupid midwesterners. You simple idiots.” You know. The usual bullshit from east coast elites.

In fact, one of my coworkers was one of the h8ers

Oh really? Y’all still the mother fuckers who lose their minds every time this happens?

Just making sure. And so what if we get excited about a water tower? That thing looks sick. I guess some people don’t realize how much of a staple water towers are in the Midwest? They’re awesome and you can’t tell me different.

Slap the city name on it and you’re really cooking

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