When You're This Much Of A Stone Cold Fox, Guys Could Care Less What Kind Of Underwear You're Sporting

Hey Tommy John, get realistic bro. I understand what you’re getting at, and you’re right in saying guys underwear is somewhat important, but you’re losing the forest through the trees here with this example. Those granny panties could be shit-stained with pig feces and dipped in a pool filled with Magic Johnson’s blood and it wouldn’t matter on this minx. She could have a medieval chastity belt guarded by a rabid Cerberus and guys would still venture down that path with no regard for themselves or humanity. Get those briefs on a Philly 3 (NY 0, LA -8, Miss Bangladesh) and let men judge her when they’re smashed at the bar looking to herd cattle at 2am and see if underwear really matters.* Then and only then would this be effective and realistic advertising.

*It never will matter.

PS – Ladies can never go wrong with commando.

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