A Couple is Taking Their 30 Year Old Son To Court Because He Won't Move Out of Their House

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Daily Mail

A frustrated couple are taking their own 30-year-old son to court today after trying and failing to get him to fly the coop. Mark and Christina Rotondo, of Camillus, New York, say their son doesn’t pay rent or help out around the house so they’ve had it. Over the past three months, they’ve given him five written notices to move out, but he has ignored their orders.  

They initially tried to get him evicted, but learned that since he is a family member, he would have to be removed from their home through an ejectment proceeding. The couple and their son are scheduled to appear in Onondaga County Supreme Court on Tuesday for a hearing over the matter. 

In a response to his parents’ court filings, Michael – who turns 31 in July and is acting as his own lawyer – says his parents have not given him a reason why he is being kicked out, or enough time to find a new place.  He claims in his response that in the eight years he has lived with his parents, he ‘has never been expected to contribute to household expenses, or assisted with chores and the maintenance of the premises, or assisted with chores and the maintenance of the premises, and claims that this is simply a component of his living agreement’. He also cited a court precedent which says that he needs six months notice to be kicked out through an ejectment action.

This son stinks out loud. He’s about to turn 31, doesn’t have a job, doesn’t contribute to society at all, and refuses to move out of his parents house. I love everything these parents are doing to try and kick him the fuck out, taking him to court because enough is enough. They live under the same roof, but have sent him five letters telling him to pack up his shit and leave. I assume they just slipped these letters underneath his door because you can’t mail them. That alone is a funny thought to picture.

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Dude you’re 31 years old and your parents are paying you to get the fuck out of their lives. What are you doing? They’re taking you to court because you’re so useless to the house and are a complete zero to the world. What case do you even prepare to go against your own parents in court? What happens if you win that battle somehow? You just continue to live under your disgruntled parents because a judge said you were okay to? That sounds pretty much like the worst thing imaginable.

It’s exactly like McConaughey in Failure to Launch (a guilty pleasure of mine) where his parents hire Sarah Jessica Parker to try and woo him out of the house. How could you possibly be this lazy of a human being that you refuse to get a job, refuse to move out, and refuse to be a human being. I hope these parents murder him in court and never hear from him again.

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