Over/Under For The Amount Of Times That Trent Has Masturbated Set At 5400

The boys on KFC Radio are having a laugh about money and jerkin it. Love it. As for me, I think I would have to take the cash because I could jerk it watching the interest roll in, and I’d already have the money in my hand rather than creating the money with my hand. Easy choice. Simple economics.

That being said, I’ve been thinking about Trent jerking off for a little while now. There’s been 5400 beautiful times Trent has really gone to town on himself. Problematic? No, sir. It’s beautiful and natural! Lots of people are going to try to tell you otherwise but dont let them. Jerking off is as pure as the day is long. After all, getting your seed into a rag is much better than waiting until the evening and soiling your night clothes. Talkin pajamas, folks.

As far as the gambling is concerned, which is legal now BTW, I’d take the over. It’s more exciting that way. I’d like to see Trent get to 195lbs and 6100 JOs by the end of the year. I think he can do it.

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